
Become a Premium Member

Get access to unlimited resources, AI cordinated evaulation and mentorship.


1 year access to our resources.
₦30,000 Regular Price, enjoy 50% end of the year promo.

What’s Included?

All Classes

50,000+ Questions & Answers

Access to eLibrary

STEM Projects


Extra Curricular Activities


Career Guidance


Mentorship/Tutor Reviews


Lifetime Access to our resources.
₦80,000 Regular Price, enjoy 50% end of the year promo.

What’s Included?

All Classes

50,000+ Questions & Answers

Access to eLibrary

STEM Projects


Extra Curricular Activities


Career Guidance


Mentorship/Tutor Reviews


Lifetime Access to our resources.
₦120,000 Regular Price, enjoy 50% end of the year promo.

What’s Included?

All Classes

50,000+ Questions & Answers

Access to eLibrary

STEM Projects

Extra Curricular Activities

Career Guidance

Mentorship/Tutor Reviews

You can pay directly to our partner account

Account Name: Superior Insight Limited
Bank: GTBank
Account Number: 0023480877

The call Taiwo Itiola for confirmations on 08079468425

Benefits of Premium Membership

As a premium member of AkadaLearn, you may have access to a range of benefits such as:

Exclusive access to premium content and courses: As a premium member, you will have access to a wide range of premium courses, tutorials, and other learning materials that are not available to free members.

Personalized learning: Premium members may have access to personalized learning plans and a dedicated learning coach to help guide their learning journey.

Quizzes and assessments: Premium members may have access to quizzes and assessments to test their knowledge and understanding of the material they are learning.

Certificates of completion: Premium members may receive certificates of completion for the courses they take, which can be used to demonstrate their skills and knowledge to potential employers or clients.

Community support: Premium members may have access to a community of other learners who can provide support, feedback and encouragement throughout the learning process.

Additional features: Premium members may have access to additional features such as offline access, the ability to download course materials, and more.

Priority Customer Support: Premium members may have access to priority customer support, allowing them to get answers to their questions and resolve any issues more quickly.